Education is a bridge to opportunity—particularly when it comes to good jobs and career paths, social mobility, and personal growth and fulfillment.
It the gateway to address a multitude of other issues that plague society today - lack of access to healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment or human rights. Even as a certain section of Indians are crossing borders and breaking the ceiling in various professional fields, India still has over 7 million children under the age of 14, who do not have access to quality education. UNESCO reported as recently as in 2016 that India witnesses 47 million secondary and higher secondary children dropping out of school - a key contributor to low levels of overall education in Indian youth that not only hampers education but also impacts the labour market, economic performance and social progress of a country.
We, at SNWF, strongly believe that education needs a greater focus on accessibility, equity and quality. Through education endeavors at SNWF, we provide monetary aid to children from economically weak backgrounds, thereby creating an empowered set of youth who can rise and lead an independent, dignified and happy life.